Tim & Natalie entertain at Mainfreight

Last month Tim Ellis, and his beautiful assistant Natalie, headed to Aitken Hill where they entertained at the Mainfreight annual conference. It was a Grand Illusion show which began with Natalie levitating on the tip of a microphone stand and ended with Tim wearing Natalie’s dress! (You had to be there!!!)

The night was capped off with Tim mingling with the guests over dessert and performing some astonishing close up magic.

“Hey Tim, I have to say your show was just sensational!!!  I am challenged every year to select great entertainment for our national sales conference.  I didn’t think I could top the act I chose last year, but you just blew that away.  I don’t let anybody know what I’ve chosen for the night, so there’s always great expectation and in every way you surprised, engaged and thoroughly entertained our team.  The trunk illusion is absolutely magnificent and the roving “up close magic” after the show just capped it all off beautifully.  Our team are still talking about it and I don’t know how I can beat that next year. Well done – GOLD.

– Dave Scott, Mainfreight
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