THE SIX CARD RAP – Yours from May 8


You’ve been asking for it for over 20 years and Tim has FINALLY decided to release THE SIX CARD RAP to celebrate his 50th birthday on May 8.

He will be selling a VERY LIMITED number with a general release taking place later in the year.

What you’ll get: A book detailing every aspect of the trick from technique to performance plus the bonus ‘Obie’s Rap’ written by Tim for Obie O’Brien, a teaching DVD where Tim shows you everything you need to know including demonstration performances and a dance remix, a set of cards pre-made and ready to go, a CD of the backing music written by renowned Australian movie composer Craig Bryant and, of course, the performance rights allowing you to present this effect anywhere, worldwide.

To guarantee you are one of the few who will get this set when it’s released on May 8, email Tim directly at and he will send you a PayPal invoice for $100 plus postage. On May 8, your very own SIX CARD RAP will be in the post and on it’s way to you!

What do the professionals say about The Six Card Rap?


I first saw Tim do this in 1994 in Yokohama Japan and the FISM Jury was correct in awarding him a special prize for his rap version of 6 card repeat.  Since then I have seen it many time and it is always entertaining.  In fact when he did it at my 4F convention he got a standing ovation.

–          Obie O’Brien, FFFF Predident


I was lucky enough to be at FISM when Tim Ellis absolutely destroyed what could be the hardest audience in Magic with a an effect that everyone had In their repertoire. Standing ovation, agents scrambling to sign him for TV shows….a true success story.

Incredibly….now it’s yours. All the real work from the real creator, but more importantly, yours to make your OWN with your own personality and variations on his solid framework. Tim is being very generous with this release and I’d buy it before he changes his mind. I know I am.

–          Rudy Coby, World Famous Magician


Tim gave us a great lesson of showmanship, a real packs small plays massive routine beautifully constructed!

–           Yif, Internet Sensation


Fun Fun Fun Fun! That’s entertainment! The best 6 card repeat I have seen. It’s not the fact that makes the star rather to start it makes the effect.  Anyone can fill a stage with umbrellas and feathered flowers and you can fill a stage with 6 cards amazing!

–          Rocco, FISM Champion


A fun addition for anyone looking to add a professionally crafted FISM award winning routine to their show.

–          Shawn Farquhar, FISM Grand Prix Winner


Ab-rap-cadabra!  This is a pro routine that plays big…well worth your time and money to learn

–          Jeff McBride, Master Magician


An hysterical prize-winning routine

–          Richard Kaufman, Chief Genii


Forget about JAZZ aces, RUMBA count or METAL bending… 6 card RAP is the coolest!! I have seen Tim’s signature effect many times and it’s always a killer. Now it’s your turn to entertain your crowds and be the coolest magician/rapper on Earth. It’s super fun! Buy it and use it. Yo man, watcha waiting for?

–          Boris Wild, French Magic God


The best stand-up card routine since Cardini!!”

–          Paul Romhany


It’s a rare moment in magic-time when a professional releases a pet, original effect. This is one of those times and you better not waste it. Sit up and take notice – I did. This is a gem that’s a show-stopper. Magic, music and comedy all done for you in a crowd-pleasing routine. What are you waiting for?

–       Jeff Hobson


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