The Melbourne Magic Festival

Tickets to Tim’s new show ‘FULL HOUSE or HOW TO GET BANNED FROM EVERY CASINO ON THE PLANET’ at The Melbourne Magic Festival are selling fast! The fact that there are only 52 seats and just 5 performances means you’d better book in early if you don’t want to miss out!

As a special bonus to our website followers, when booking use the code word CHEAT and get your tickets (normally $28) for just $20 each!

This is a fantastic show, full of amazing stories, astonishing sleight of hand, and you don’t even need to know anything about poker to come away absolutely transformed.

The Melbourne Magic Festival

CLICK HERE for full details about the show

CLICK HERE to book now!

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Flashback: Expo 88 Magic

Last night Tim received some delightful memories from over 35 years ago when Timm Stay emailed in some photos from his old Expo 88 scrapbook showing Tim Ellis and “Wendy Wendy” performing