VIDEO: A new world record!!!

Tim Ellis has just broken his own Guinness World Record for THE LONGEST NON STOP MAGIC SHOW IN HISTORY at 85 hours!

Staged at Dane Certificate’s Magic Theatre in Brunswick, with a team from The Melbourne Magic Festival, the show ran from 6.30am Friday June 10 to 7.30pm Monday June 13.


Not only did they set a record, but audience member Tayissa Artimonow set a record that will never be broken – watching a magic show for 72 hours!

Thanks to generous donations from their audience, they raised over $2,600 for Variety, The Children’s Charity.

Special thanks to Dom Chambers for co-ordinating this massive event, Dane Certificate for providing the venue, and Ron Dorre for invaluable support in promoting this record breaking show.

They also got tremendous media coverage including a great story in The Herald

Radio interviews on ABC with Red Symons, 3AW with Darren James, SWITCH in Brisbane and 6PR in Perth, plus TV stories on the ABC News, Nine News, and the Today Show.

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