The brand new show for 2022 at The Laneway Theatre, The Magic Menu Live, opens this Saturday and is already Sold out! Shows will continue every Saturday night and March is already filling up so make sure you book in to see this incredible “choose your own adventure” show.
The Breakfast team from JJJ caught ‘The Catchpenny Club’ at The Melbourne Magic Festival’ and though they loved the whole show, it was one of Tim’s tricks that baffled them so
Here’s a fun game for kids of all ages. Can you spot the nine differences between these two near identical pictures below? Some are easy to pick, but others are devilishly difficult. Trust the M
As you know I LOVE going to the movies. My usual dose is no less than three times a week. I love the atmosphere, the big screen, the THX sound, and just getting away from it all (I hit the 10am sessio