The brand new show for 2022 at The Laneway Theatre, The Magic Menu Live, opens this Saturday and is already Sold out! Shows will continue every Saturday night and March is already filling up so make sure you book in to see this incredible “choose your own adventure” show.
As part of The Melbourne Magic Festival, The Today Show broadcast live from The Laneway Theatre on Thursday and Tim performed a super fast straitjacket escape while finding a chosen card!
You can
You may remember way back when the Melbourne Magic Festival was on (almost two months ago) Carisa Hendrix and I put on a show called ‘World of Wizards’. We finally got some pics of th
He may have written ‘The Art of The Deal’, but when it comes to the Art of Deception, Donald J Trump still needs to learn a trick or two.
Australia’s top magician, Tim Ellis, gives away