On March 18, 1910 Houdini made the first sustained, controlled powered flight in Australia
More blog posts
29 July 2018
PRESS: My Career – Tim Ellis
Tim was featured in THE AGE yesterday with a big front page story in the MY CAREER section. The story looks at how Tim has turned his childhood hobby into a 45 year internationally successful care
13 August 2016
VIDEO: Tim’s Top Ten Strangest TV Spots
Tim Ellis has made over 150 appearances on TV ranging from his own 80 minute showcase on Eun Gyeol Lee’s ‘Storytelling Magic Show’ in Korea, and an entire episode dedicated to fooli
21 January 2012
Champions of Magic: Live!
Two-time winner at the FISM World Championships of Magic, Australian Tim Elis, will be joined by the Grand Prix Winner and 1st Runner Up of the FISM Asia Magic Championships, Koreans Yoo Hyun Minand