A magician will wheel out a box on stage and tell his audience it is completely empty while knowing full well there is a girl hiding somewhere inside.
He will have it examined inside and out then, from apparently nowhere, his assistant will come bursting out and everyone is amazed.
He commits to the idea the box is empty and goes out of his way to prove it to the audience.
Sadly, Mr Trump is still yet to master this basic technique in the art of deception.
He will SAY he is in favour of the Second Amendment and tell the press that the shooting victims in the gay nightclub in Orlando should have been allowed to be armed.
“If we had people where the bullets were going in the opposite direction, right smack between the eyes of this maniac. If some of those wonderful people had guns strapped right to their waist, or right to their ankle, and this son of a bitch comes out and starts shooting, and one of the people in that room happened to have it, and goes ‘boom’, you know what that would have been a beautiful, beautiful sight.”
Trump repeated the old axiom that “The only thing that can defeat a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun”.
Yet when they held the Republican convention in Ohio last week, the constitutional right of Americans to open carry in that State, protected by the second amendment, was suspended – and Trump didn’t say a word about it.
This from a man who refers to gun-free zones as “target zones for the mentally ill“. He said the USA needs to do away with gun-free zones… yet that’s exactly what his rallies are.
If he was truly committed to the “good guy with a gun” concept he would demand that his followers be allowed their rights – after all, it would make things safer for him too. Not only protected by his Secret Service crew, but by thousands of armed “good guy” Trump supporters.
But it’s not just Ohio. Since last December Trump has been mocking gun-free zones at his gun-free rallies.
People notice this stuff.
If you want to truly deceive the American people in a way that they will willingly vote for you – instead of having an unprecedented proportion hate you with a passion – you really need to take heed of these five simple tips and try to deceive with dignity.
After all, even the master himself, David Copperfield said that despite your “stumpy little hands” you could become a good magician.
It’s all about The Art of Deception.