GALLERY: Close Up Gala Show

One of the highlights of The Melbourne Magic Festival is the annual Close Up Magic Gala Show. Every year it sells out, and every year it gets better and better. This year Josh Staley hosted the event and Tim Ellis performed some incredible effects from his Laneway Theatre show ‘Spellbinder‘ with a committee from the audience on stage with him and everything projected to huge screens thanks to Ron Dorre.

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Halloween Magic!

Catch Tim Ellis performing some seriously disturbing Halloween Magic this Monday night at the LOCAL LAUGHS comedy club. Tickets at the door – $15/$12 – 7.30pm doors open for an 8.30pm star

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A Night with Stars

On April 18 Tim Ellis will be co-hosting and performing in the fundraising concert ‘A Night with the Stars’ at the Diamond Valley Church Auditorium. The show will feature a number of highl