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The Melbourne Magic Festival

Tickets to Tim’s new show ‘FULL HOUSE or HOW TO GET BANNED FROM EVERY CASINO ON THE PLANET’ at The Melbourne Magic Festival are selling fast! The fact that there are only 52 seats an

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A Night with Stars

On April 18 Tim Ellis will be co-hosting and performing in the fundraising concert ‘A Night with the Stars’ at the Diamond Valley Church Auditorium. The show will feature a number of highl

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Why Magic Sucks

I was going through my files this afternoon when I came across the following piece I wrote in 1998, but never published. I’m not sure I agree with everything I said then, but I’m very inte

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2015 is the Year of Magic

2014 has been a great year for magic and magicians worldwide, but especially here in Melbourne, and 2015 is already shaping us as being even bigger and better! I’ll let you know my exciting new